Montebello Reservoir Work May Temporarily Discolor Water in Lake

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January 2, 2015 (BALTIMORE, MD)—Scheduled repair and maintenance work at the Montebello covered drinking water reservoir is under way, and may temporarily affect the color of water in Lake Montebello.

During the week of January 5, the Department of Public Works will drain, flush, and clean the covered reservoir in the 3900 block of Hillen Road. As a result of this work, deposits of lime and grit may be washed out of the reservoir and likely end up in the lake, which is designed to capture this type of debris.

This discharge may result in a white film or murky water in areas of the lake. Such discoloration is a normal part of the reservoir cleaning process and will eventually disappear. In no way will the work negatively impact the quality of Baltimore’s drinking water.


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