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Mayor Catherine E. Pugh Announces Priorities for 2017 Maryland General Assembly in 11-Point Legislative Agenda

Today, Mayor Catherine E. Pugh released her agenda for the 2017 legislative session as the Maryland General Assembly convened for opening day in Annapolis. Mayor Pugh’s priorities are consistent with her Five Pillars for Moving Baltimore Forward, emphasizing reforms in education; public safety and health; and economic and community development.

Investing in a Safer, Strong Baltimore: A Model for the President's Approach to Working with Cities

In the spring of 2015, the White House established a special Taskforce for Baltimore City. The Taskforce was charged with marshalling Federal funds, programs, and expertise to address some of the city’s social and economic challenges, like violent crime, high levels of unemployment and limited economic opportunity in low-income neighborhoods. 

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and Governor Larry Hogan Announces Project C.O.R.E. Awardees in Baltimore City

Mayor Catherine E. Pugh and Governor Larry Hogan today announced awardees for demolition funds through Project C.O.R.E., or Creating Opportunities for Renewal and Enterprise, a multi-year city-state partnership to demolish vacant and derelict buildings in Baltimore and replace them with green space or create the foundation for redevelopment in Baltimore City. 

Mima en Español: Programas de Incentivos para la compra de casa en la Ciudad de Baltimore

Una de las metas de la alcaldesa ha sido apoyar y crear programas de incentivos o becas para personas que quieran comprarse una casa en la Ciudad de Baltimore. Esta iniciativa es parte de su meta de crecer la ciudad y de proveer la oportunidad de cumplir el sueño americano de comprarse una casa.

Baltimore’s Public Confederate Monuments Report

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced the release of a report on the findings of Baltimore City-owned public Confederate Monuments that lays the groundwork to address the recommendations for the

Baltimore’s Public Confederate Monuments Report

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced the release of a report on the findings of Baltimore City-owned public Confederate Monuments that lays the groundwork to address the recommendations f

¿Que hacer cuando la Policía Detiene mientras conduce?

Existen distintas razones por las cuales la policía le puede detener a usted.

Cualquiera que sea la razón, el oficial necesita su cooperación.

  • Es posible que usted haya cometido una infracción de tráfico.
  • Es posible que usted llene la descripción de un sospechoso.
  • Es posible que el oficial crea que usted se encuentra en un aprieto y necesita ayuda.
  • Es posible que usted haya sido testigo de un crimen.

MIMA en Espanol: El Virus del Zika

Debido a la amenaza potencial del Virus del Zika, la alcaldesa Stephanie Rawlings-Blake convoco un grupo de trabajo bajo la dirección de la Comisionada de Salud, la Dra. Leana Wen, para desarrollar un plan con recomendaciones y así proteger a nuestros residentes.

YouthWorks meets goal of summer jobs offered to 8,000 youth

For the second consecutive year, at least 8,000 Baltimore City youth and young adults, ages 14-21, will be offered a five-week YouthWorks summer employment opportunity. Today, approximately 6,000 youth started working in a wide variety of industries, including health care, hospitality/tourism, finance, construction, law and government jobs. A second five-week cycle will begin employing additional youth on July 11, 2016, bringing the total number of worksites to more than 900.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Joins FEMA to Honor Baltimore City as one of the Nation’s Leading Floodplain Management Communities

Mayor Rawlings-Blake joined representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to accept an award on behalf of the City of Baltimore for its outstanding achievements in reducing fl

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